The continuation of the COVID-19 crisis is still upon us and we will probably be faced with this situation for weeks to come. We must not panic but move forward with caution and wisdom. It is important that all of us do our part to eradicate this problem. As I’ve talked to family, friends, and clients, some feel stuck and unsure about what they can do to make a difference. I believe we all have something we can contribute to being part of the solution and not perpetuate the problem. Let’s be accountable to one another to do and be our best now more than ever. Also, remember those that are most vulnerable and help where you can.
I grew up with my grandmother who was born during the turn of the century (1900) and lived through the Great Depression that started in 1929 and lasted through the 1930s. This was a time of severe worldwide economic depression when people had to figure out how they were going to make it through, oftentimes with very little. Towards the end of World War II, she traveled from the South (Texas) to the West Coast (California) with very little money in hopes of a better life for her children and her children’s children. In the 1960’s we experienced the Civil Rights Movement and all of the issues that came along with that change. Each generation experiences various trials and tribulations that they must figure out how they will come through. With what we are experiencing today we must come together and each one reach one the best way possible.
You may ask, how can I do something or make a difference when we are told to stay home and practice social distancing when in public? There are a few recommendations that I would like to share. If you can send donations to organizations that are working to impact the lives of people suffering and need medical attention or food, please send whatever you can. No amount is too small. If someone needs a little patience or understanding, try to extend grace. We should all stay abreast of what the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( are recommending for us to do and follow it. When in doubt seek reliable advice. The way people receive information and news varies and we must make sure we are getting accurate information before we share with others.
When I think about the wisdom of my grandmother and how she came through various trials and tribulations that life threw her way, I remember asking her why she did certain things such as stockpiling certain types of food, limiting what she purchased (even when she could afford it) or making sure when times were tough she still helped her neighbors, they are actually all wonderful ways of living no matter what state we are in. Great lessons for life. Another thing we can all do is take the time to reach out via phone to check on those that may be alone or struggling through these times. If you can, while you are working from home, take a moment to write a personal handwritten note to someone that can cheer them unexpectedly when they get their mail. It sure beats a bill!
Never lose sight that this too shall pass and one of the questions we can ask ourselves is what lesson(s) have we learned while going through this situation? What can we do to better prepare ourselves and our families for the future? Never forget the power we each hold in our hands to make a difference in the lives of those around us by reaching out and letting someone know you care and they are not alone.
Healing Without Hate: It's a choice. It's a lifestyle. Pass it on!
Visit and to learn more. Wendy is an international coach, consultant, trainer, author and speaker.